我相當喜歡這部電影. 主角在醫院醒來後發現自己喪失了從2000到2002年兩年之內的記憶, 同時主角也發現了自己能夠穿梭這一段時間內的時空(非自願性的)去斷續的得知事情的真相同時去改變自己的未來. 大概是這樣的一部電影. 我個人覺得相當的有趣, 不過因為時間跳來跳去的所以小複雜啦~不過真的還蠻有趣的喔~
超短(= =)英文簡介
Simon Cable wakes up in a hospital bed, confused and disoriented. He soon discovers from doctors that he has amnesia and is unable to remember the last two years of his life. Cable investigates what has happened to him and slowly pieces together his enigmatic past.